About the Journal

The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food.
The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (IJSAF) is the primary publication outlet for the Research Committee on Food and Agriculture (RC-40) of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
It actively seeks out high-quality manuscripts that present theoretically informed research on issues related to the social organization of food and agriculture.
Manuscripts are welcomed from scholars across the social sciences including sociology, science and technology studies, human and cultural geography, political science, consumer management, agricultural economics, anthropology, philiosphy and environmental studies.
IJSAF also welcomes manuscripts from and about all regions of the World.

Current Issue

This is the second issue of Volume 30, published in October 2024.

This issue includes regular papers as well as a special section on novel foods.

Published: 31-10-2024


Factors leading to differences in the internal structures of French agricultural quality groups

Chris Bardenhagen, Philip Howard, Marie-Odile Nozières-Petit, Loïc Sauvée
Abstract 262 | PDF Downloads 188

Page 5-26

Underutilized or undervalued?

Dalia Mattioni, Francesca Galli, Sonia Massari
Abstract 237 | PDF Downloads 180

Page 27-43

Novel Foods

Novel Foods: a Technological Pathway to Food System Transformation?

Maria Grazia Quieti, Colin Sage, Rita Salvatore, John Wilkinson, Maria Fonte
Abstract 405 | PDF Downloads 134

Page 45-47

The Innovation Ecosystems of Novel Foods

John Wilkinson
Abstract 495 | PDF Downloads 275

Page 49-65

Food that Acts Like Other Food

Amy Bentley
Abstract 191 | PDF Downloads 166

Page 67-79

Inform, Invest, Incentivise

Kacey LaBonte, Adela Munson, Donald Rose
Abstract 265 | PDF Downloads 129

Page 95-114

Analysis of the Narrative Grammars of Cultured Meat in UK Food and Farming Media

Michael Goodman, Adele Wylie, Alexandra Sexton, Katherine Lewis, David Rose, Tom MacMillan, Louise Manning
Abstract 265 | PDF Downloads 75

Page 117-138

Novel Food Case Study in the EU

Marcello Laganaro, Giorgia Zamariola, Esther Garcia Ruiz, Irene Nuin Garciarena, Maria Glymenaki, Alejandra Muñoz González, Vânia Mendes, Gabriela Precup, Ruth Roldán-Torres, Anthony Smith, Ermolaos Ververis, Domagoj Vrbos, Andrea Germini
Abstract 279 | PDF Downloads 170

Page 157-185

Challenging high-tech solutionism in an era of polycrisis

Colin Sage
Abstract 564 | PDF Downloads 270

Page 187-205

Book Review

Official publication of the Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC-40)
of the International Sociological Association (ISA)

Editors: Allison Loconto, Katerina Psarikidou and Angga Dwiartama

Volume number: 30 (2024)
Frequency: 2 issues per year

ISSN / E-ISSN: 0798-1759 / 2524-1982