Vol. 30 No. 1 (2024): Special Sections: (Post)Pandemic Food Systems & Emerging Agrifood Scholars

The first regular issue of IJSAF, published in April 2024. 

This regular issue also contains the second set of papers that are part of the special section on (post)pandemic food systems.

It also introduces the new recurring special section of IJSAF that is dedicated to publishing the work of emerging scholars of Agrifood studies.

Published: 30-04-2024


From coalitions to social movements

Camille Freeman, Kiah Smith
Abstract 684 | PDF Downloads 547 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.528

Page 1-17

Local food systems and community development: a symbiotic relation?

Hege Westskog, Mette Talseth Solnørdal, Mikkel Vindegg, Anders Tønnesen, Thea Sandnes, Bård Sødal Grasbekk, Ingrid Christensen
Abstract 1109 | PDF Downloads 723 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.534

Page 19-42

The Food System in the (Post-)Pandemic World

Rethinking Agrifood Systems in (Post-)Pandemic Times

Atakan Büke, José Duarte Ribeiro Ribeiro , Hilde Bjørkhaug, Sarah Ruth Sippel
Abstract 57 | PDF Downloads 22 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.714

Page 43-52

Exceptional policies for exceptional situations?

Hilde Bjørkhaug, Jostein Brobakk
Abstract 126 | PDF Downloads 44 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.571

Page 75-93

The State of Indigenous Foods in Africa

Sheila Ngoh Manka, Mokong Simon Mapadimeng
Abstract 264 | PDF Downloads 288 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.554

Page 95-110

Grassroots food initatives at the rural-urban interface

Esra Demirkol Colosio, Valerio Colosio
Abstract 213 | PDF Downloads 82 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.564

Page 111-126

What is left after the pandemic?

Larissa da Silva Araujo
Abstract 233 | PDF Downloads 45 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.566

Page 127-146

Emerging Scholars of Agriculture and Food

Advancing early-career agri-food researchers publishing opportunities in Sub Saharan Africa

Fridah Mubichi-Kut, Allison Marie Loconto, Sheila Ngoh Manka
Abstract 15 | PDF Downloads 11 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.693

Page 149-154

Page 155-174

Food Movements Unite! ?

Andrew Bennie
Abstract 98 | PDF Downloads 27 | DOI https://doi.org/10.48416/ijsaf.v30i1.567

Page 175-193