The Sustainable Diet Question Reasserting societal dynamics into the debate about a Good Diet



Published Jun 28, 2021
Tim Lang


This paper locates the notion of Sustainable Diet as the latest iteration in the long-term policy question: What is a ‘Good Diet’? It reviews why there is tension over broadening the notion of a Good Diet to include the environment. It contrasts simple and complex approaches to sustainability for food systems and diet in particular. It proposes a multi-criteria approach to dietary analysis and to policy guidelines. The experience of a number of countries are summarised and analysed for sources of resistance and difficulty. It proposes that the socio-cultural dimension of Sustainable Diet requires further analysis but already offers promising avenues for change.

How to Cite

Lang, T. (2021) “The Sustainable Diet Question: Reasserting societal dynamics into the debate about a Good Diet ”, The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Paris, France, 27(1), pp. 12–34. doi: 10.48416/ijsaf.v27i1.88.
Abstract 2095 | PDF Downloads 1320

