The Emerging Nano-Corporate Paradigm: Nanotechnology and the Transformation of Nature, Food and Agri-Food Systems



Published Jun 4, 2007
Gyorgy Scrinis Kristen Lyons


Nanotechnology represents the latest in a line of technological innovations set to transform agriculture and food production. From the farm to the table, nanotechnology research and development is being applied across the entire agri-food system. In this paper we outline the contours of what we call the nano-corporate food paradigm. We examine research and commercial applications of nanotechnology in the agriculture and food sectors, and showcase the ways in which the nano-corporate food paradigm is being applied, and at the same time may shape and transform agri-food systems.

How to Cite

Scrinis, G. . and Lyons, K. . (2007) “The Emerging Nano-Corporate Paradigm: Nanotechnology and the Transformation of Nature, Food and Agri-Food Systems ”, The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Paris, France, 15(2), pp. 22–44. doi: 10.48416/ijsaf.v15i2.293.
Abstract 2152 | PDF Downloads 1103


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