Agro-industrial Complexes and Globalisation: Transformations in the Articulation of the Agrarian Sector



Published Jan 15, 2021
Carla Gras


The paper examines the on-going changes in agro-industries in Argentina in the context of the new economic world order. It focuses on the transformations in one particular segment of agro-industrial systems: that which connects producers to industrial and/ or commercial agents, exploring the new conditions in which the relations between these agents are being carried out. In recent years - specially since the late eighties - Argentinean agro-industries are undergoing deep changes related to macro-economic processes which are connected to the globalization of economies. In this context, the mechanisms of agro-industrial articulation, which had characterized the development of agro-industrial complexes during the last decades, are being redefined. How are these mechanisms changing? What effects do they have on agriculture, particularly in terms of the social and economic conditions under which producers are producing? Our analysis takes one important agro-industrlal regional activity as a case: tobacco.

How to Cite

Gras, C. . (2021) “Agro-industrial Complexes and Globalisation: Transformations in the Articulation of the Agrarian Sector”, The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Paris, France, 6, p. 1997. doi: 10.48416/ijsaf.v6i.365.
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