Passive feeding or active learning in the kindergarten foodscape? Qualitative insights from the Dagmar intervention



Published Apr 30, 2020
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen



 There is a growing interest in actions that can contribute to increased food literacy and health among young people. As a result, the topic is increasingly becoming the subject of policymaking both in public health and in the educational system. Public engagement in these fields has led to a new focus on the importance of food for young people in institutions. However, approaches seem to follow slightly different paths. Food is mainly seen as a question of providing food or as both a question of providing and learning about food. This paper aims to explore the latter of these. Do kindergartens have the potential to move beyond simple provision and become active spaces for learning and literacy development? And, if so, what are the potentials and barriers for such approaches? 

How to Cite

Egberg Mikkelsen, B. (2020) “Passive feeding or active learning in the kindergarten foodscape? : Qualitative insights from the Dagmar intervention”, The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Paris, France, 26(1), pp. 1–25. doi: 10.48416/ijsaf.v26i1.72.
Abstract 827 | PDF Downloads 810

