"New Agriculture" and Rural Development in Andalucia (Spain): Productive Intensification and Small Rural Producer Strategies



Published Jan 15, 2021
Cristina Cruces Roldán


This paper describes the nature and diffusion of the Andalucian model of transformation within the 'new' system of intensive agriculture. This is characterized by modern and complex technologies and applied techniques from the biological industry. The paper analyses a case from the Western Andaluctan coast. The paper examines the small rural producers' economic strategies implemented by them in the last years. The article characterises this process of change as decentralized and consolidated within an economic model that is ecological and socially highly costly for the Andalucian region.

How to Cite

Cruces Roldán, C. . (2021) “‘New Agriculture’ and Rural Development in Andalucia (Spain): Productive Intensification and Small Rural Producer Strategies”, The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Paris, France, 6, pp. 25–54. doi: 10.48416/ijsaf.v6i.364.
Abstract 145 | PDF Downloads 143

