Agrarian Economy of Orissa and Poverty: Reflexive Observation



Published Jan 10, 2007
Bishnu C. Barik Anita Dash


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How to Cite

C. Barik, . B. and Dash, A. . (2007) “Agrarian Economy of Orissa and Poverty: Reflexive Observation ”, The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Paris, France, 15(1), pp. 65–75. doi: 10.48416/ijsaf.v15i1.301.
Abstract 173 | PDF Downloads 171


1. Pathy, J.N. 1981, “Land Reforms and the Problems of Agricultural Development in Orissa : A Discursive Review, Indian Journal of Regional Science, XIII (2), pp. 140-150.
2. Under the Sun-set law, many affluent Bengalis including traders, money-lenders and those connected with East India Company, acquired Zamindari in Orissa, because some of the Zamindars failed to pay the revenue in time. See Mohanty,M.1984, “Social Roots of Backwardness in Orissa : A study of class, Caste and Power, Social Science Probing, 1 (2) pp. 184-228; Pathy,J.N.. 1981, Op.cit.
3. Pathy,J.N. 1981 Ibid.
4. Mukherji, R.K. 1933, Land Problems in India. Calcutta, p.314.
5. Pathy, J.N. 1981, op. cit.
6. Bailey, F.G. 1959, “Politics in Orissa”, Economic Weekly, August to November.
7. Pathy, J.N. 1981, op.cit.
8. Ibid.
9. The Orissa Government Enacted and Amended the following Acts :-
(1) Orissa Tenancy Act – 1936
(2) Orissa Estate Abolition Act – 1951
(3) Orissa Tenant Protection Act – 1948
(4) Orissa Land Reforms Act – 1965
(5) Orissa Debt Bondage Act – 1948
(6) Orissa Land Reforms Act – 1973
According to Land Reforms Act of 1973, the ceiling was fixed at 10,15,30 and 45 acres per family of five members for various categories of land.
10. Joshi,P.C. 1971, “Land Reform and Agrarian Change in India and Pakistan since 1947”, in R.Dutt and P.C. Joshi (eds) Studies in Asian Social Development, No. 1, New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill, p.6.
11. See Surplus Land Distribution in Orissa a Failure, Project Report, The Times of India, 1984, October 21, p9.
12. Bhalla, G.S. 1983, “Peasant Movement and Agrarian Change in India”, Social Scientist, II (8), p.43; also see, Landejinsky, Wolf, 1964b, “The Green Revolution in Bihar – the Kosi Area, A Field Trip”, Economic and Political Weekly, IV, (39), p.9: Singh Rajendra, 1974, “ Agrarian Social Structure and Peasant Unrest : A Study of Land-Grab Movement in District Baste; East UP”, Sociological Bulletin, XXIII (1), p.54.
13. State Economy in Figures, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.1
14. Patnaik, S.C. 1976, “Agricultural Backwardness in Orissa and a Strategy for its Revitalization”, Southern Economist, XIV (17), pp.35-40.
15 Statistical Abstract of Orissa, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.13.
16. Patnaik, S.C. 1976, “Agricultural Backwardness in Orissa and a Strategy for its
Revitalization”, Southern Economist, XIV (17), pp.35-40.
17. Statistical Abstract of Orissa, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.173.
18. State Economy in Figures, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.2
19. Ibid, p.13
20. Ibid, p.67
21. Ibid, p.68
22. Ibid, p.67
23. Ibid, p.67
24. Ibid, p.68
25. Ibid, p.68
26. Mody, A. 1983, “ Rural Resources Generation and Mobilisation”, Economic
and Political Weekly, Annual Number, p.17.
27. Statistical Abstract of Orissa, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.110
27. State Economy in Figures, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.12
29. Panda, N.K. 1983, “Agricultural Growth and Rural Poverty in Orissa”, Vision,
II (4), pp.19-24.
30. Sahoo, Basudev, Not dated, Arts and Artisans of Orissa, Bhubaneswar, p.74.
31. The present author’s intensive field work in two villages of Ganjam District
confirms the fact.
32. Misra, S. 1967, Economic Survey of Orissa, Cuttack.
33. State Economy in Figures, op.cit. p.15.
34. Rao, B.B.S. 1972, “ Bonded Labour in Orissa”, Man in India, page 67-69.
35. Statistical Abstract of Orissa, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.173
36. Panda, N.K. 1983, op.cit. p.29.
37. Statistical Abstract of Orissa, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.187
38. Samal, K.C, S. Meher and A Rath, 1997. Fifty years of Industrial Development in a Backwards State : The Case of Orissa, Occasional paper No. 33, N.C. Choudhury Centre for Development Studies, Bhubaneswar.
39. Panda R.K., and R. Meher, 1992, Industrial Sickness : A Study of Small Scale Industries, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi; Patnaik, S.C. 1998, Industrial Development in a Backward State : Dynamics of Policy, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi.
40. Barik , B.C. 1988, Class Formation and Peasantry, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
41. State Economy in Figures, Orissa, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.59 and 62.
42. Ibid, p.75
43. Statistical Abstract of Orissa, 2002, Govt. of Orissa, p.190
44. State Economy in Figures, 1983, p.23
45. Reserve Bank of India, 1969 Report of All India Rural Credit Review Committee, Bombay (Mimeo), p.23
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