The Food and Human Security Index: Rethinking Food Security and ‘Growth’



Published Jun 4, 2012
Michael Carolan


The goals of this article are multiple: to challenge conventional understandings of food security; to show that economic growth per se cannot be relied upon to adequately feed the world; to convince critics of economic growth to pay closer attention to issues related to food in their assessments of ‘development’; and to up-end established beliefs around the so-called Global North–South divide; and confront the belief that the latter must follow in the food-prints of the former. The author introduces the Food and Human Security Index (FHSI) with these ends in mind. A FHSI score is calculated for 126 countries by looking at indicators of objective and subjective well-being, nutrition, ecological sustainability, food dependency, and food-system market concentration. The ranking of scores has some counter-intuitive placements, which ought to be reflected upon as new lines are drawn around food security in the twenty-first century.

How to Cite

Carolan, M. . (2012) “The Food and Human Security Index: Rethinking Food Security and ‘Growth’ ”, The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Paris, France, 19(2), pp. 176–200. doi: 10.48416/ijsaf.v19i2.223.
Abstract 1431 | PDF Downloads 959


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